Human Side

Making my worst since 1975...

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Location: México City, Mexico

I am a very nasty person, indeed. Ask my friends. Se habla español en el club de los insomnes.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Yes, I visit the Library On Sunday

(Or, Be afraid of me, Part XXVI)

It has become an habit in the last couple of months: I take my bike and go to UNAM Library. It is open on Sundays, 8:30 to 21:30 hrs. Perfect. I carry my very well pointed pencils, climb up to the second floor, turn to my left, take the ancient volumes and take some notes.

Of course, I don’t make all the way to University in bike. Try to make it in a 5 millions cars city. I use the subway too. Don't take unnecessary risk.

I suppose it talks a little about my interests . But the best thing is that I spend Saturday nights sharpening the pencils, at the light of the candles, listening Godspeed You Black Emperor (or Wagner, it depends of my mood). Good.